City Arena Rules
Each facility will have their own set of rules - you MUST follow the rules to the individual arena. That means that different City arenas could have different rules in place.
As of Wednesday September 22, for hall, arena and pool rentals, the contract holder of the rental event will be responsible to follow the provincial proof of full vaccination requirements for their indoor event or activity, which includes verifying identification and proof of vaccination.
- Contract holders, or designate (e.g. Safety Officer) must review and confirm for individuals 12 and older:
- Proof of identification
- Proof of being fully vaccinated
Valid Vaccinations and ID Requirements: Proof of Vaccination Guidance under the Reopening Ontario Act (gov.on.ca) page 8 for process and proving identity.
Exceptions: see Proof of Vaccination Guidance under the Reopening Ontario Act (gov.on.ca) page 4 for exceptions to vaccination requirements.
- Contract holders, or designate (e.g. Safety Officer) must sign-in with City of Ottawa on the daily vaccination control sheet.
- Provide name and phone number
- Signature to indicate review and confirmation
Each team/age group has been provided a link for a self-screening tool. This needs to be used 100% of the time before entering all facilities. It is important to use the one for your team. If you use a different team's form, the information will not be available to the Safety officer on the team. This information is also used for contact tracing and is stored for 31 days. It will be updated as changes are made by the Ministry of Health or Ottawa Public Health.
Teams should not congregate at the glass while waiting for the zamboni to finish. Coaches will not congregate in the halls talking, especially without a mask. Teams will not use penalty boxes.
City Rules
- All individuals must complete a COVID-19 self-screening assessment prior to entering the city facility
- If participants/coaching staff or spectators have any COVID-19 symptoms posted at the door, they are not permitted in the facility
- Provide 2 metre distancing throughout the facility
- Dryland Training is not permitted in the facility unless allocated as a separate hall booking
- The City of Ottawa has a zero tolerance Harassment Policy. All individuals must maintain respect for
staff and patrons in the facility.
- Follow directional flow arrows, decals and visual markers to maintain distancing
- Masks and face coverings are required whenever participants are not actively engaged in physical activity. For example, masks must be worn
- In the lobby
- If you are coaching
- At all times unless actively engaged in a physical activity
- When possible separate Entrance and Exit points will be designated to assist with proper traffic flow
- Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrance/exit
- Doors are managed by a designated volunteer/coach (Safety Officer) selected by user group (team). A city employee (Greeter) will offer assistance with facility specific information, policies and procedures
- Participants are given access to the building 15 minutes prior to the booking
- Parents can enter the building 5 minutes before ice time to tie skates or get a seat for watching
- Parents can tie skates, if vaccinated and proof shown to the team official, but are asked to exit the arena immediately following, unless they are watching
- Roller guard skate guards are not permitted
- Change rooms are open
- Participants are encouraged to arrive dressed in gear as much as possible
- It is recommended players arrive with a filled water bottle
- No spitting
- The City of Ottawa rules must be followed at all times, failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the facility, non-refundable ice cancellation and review of future contract bookings
- All users must comply with all current guidelines, regulations and recommendations related to COVID-19 by Ottawa Public Health, the Municipal and Provincial government, the sport governing body and their Association.