Kanata Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software


Setting Activity Proof of Vaccination
Indoor premises of a facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities Youth under 18 years of age actively participating in an organized sport, including training, practices, games and competitions. Examples inlcude:
- sports leagues
- organized pick-up sports
- dance classes
- martial arts
- swimming classes
Not Required
Indoor premises of a facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities Youth under 18 years of age using a gym or other area with exercise equipment or weights Required*
Indoor premises of a facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities Youth spectating, including at sporting events Required*
Indoor premises of a facility used for sports and recreational fitness activities Adults (18+) patrons accessing the facility for any purpose, including parents or guardians of youth participating in an organ Required*
*unless patron qualifies for an exemption

This website will be updated as things change.  Last updated September 20 2021

The OWHA recommends all eligible coaching staff to be vaccinated by October 17th to participate in any team event, including but not limited to, on and off ice practices and games. However, as of September 22nd, coaches and staff will need to be vaccinated to enter City of Ottawa buildings and many other arenas in the city.

Beckwith allows only one spectator per child under 18.

Sensplex does not require their own form to be updated. Only complete the KGHA form for this arena.

Anyone, parent, player, coach, etc. born in 2009 or earlier will be required to show a vaccine passport at the SHIFT Performance and Wellness Centre, located at 145 Iber Road, effective September 22, 2021. If a parent cannot provide their vaccine passport at this facility, they will not be permitted to enter, but the player can if they do not meet the current vaccine eligibility.
A mask must cover the nose and mouth while in an arena and outside if not physically distancing. If OPH has notified you that your player has been exposed to a positive case, regardless if you get a negative test completed, if OPH says the player needs to isolate for a certain period of time, they cannot come to hockey or any hockey related activity.

If you are attending an event at Carleton University, you must complete their CUScreen screening form and upload all COVID vaccination records to their system. All players, regardless of eligibility of vaccination need to complete the screening form. This includes anyone entering the building and is not limited to players and team staff. If you were vaccinated in Ontario and can no longer locate your vaccination receipts, please go to COVID-19 Booking site and log in using your health card.

Individuals who are planning to get a test because of symptoms or exposure, or a member of the same household of that individual, should refrain from coming to any KGHA event until a negative test has been provided. If Mom is feeling a little off and thinks she has COVID symptoms and is getting a test, Mom should keep her daughter home from practices and games until she is sure she is negative. This is the same rule OPH has in their Screening Tool for Students.

Any team activity, on ice practice, off ice training, including in a gym, must include a KGHA tracing form for that team.

Parents must include their name on the KGHA tracing form if watching a game or practice. Carleton U will allow one spectator per player (no siblings).  Parents should request entrance 5 minutes before scheduled ice time and must vacate the facility 5 minutes after the zamboni hits the ice.

Distancing must be maintained at all times for all of the above.  Parents cannot loiter in the lobby - you must leave the building following the team practice/game.

Overall - please remember at all facilities:
  • No parents in the dressing rooms - Yes, this is still in place (September 20 2021 - still in place)
    • Players who need parents to assist with tying skates will leave the dressing room to have their skates tied
    • Parents tying skates will wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet apart from other parents
    • Parents should not be tying skates of players not their own
  • The above rules are for team staff, players, and spectators
  • Masks need to be worn in the building, over the mouth and nose, by spectators
  • Players and team staff need to be 6 feet apart on the ice, on the bench, in the dressing rooms, at all times
  • No spitting on the bench, on the ice, in the dressing room
  • If the facility requires the coaching staff to wear a mask while on the ice, the coaching staff will wear the mask on the ice
  • Teams will only enter the building 15-20 minutes before scheduled ice times (depends on the facility)
    • If it takes longer than 20 minutes for the player to get ready, the player should get ready prior to entering the arena
    • For players who are unable to tie their own skates, it is recommended skates come tied and players wearing hard plastic skate guards into the arena
    • Parents can only enter the arena just before scheduled time - Respect the rules of the individual facility and staff
  • Attendance at any team event needs to be taken and retained for 21 days
    • All in attendance, players, staff, and spectators need to be included
  • Player or Staff exposure will be tracked internally by coaches and managers
Roller skate guards are not permitted in arenas, including Beckwith, at any time (pre-COVID also).  Do not depend on these to get your player to the dressing room.  Either tie skates in the arena or invest in some hard bottom skate guards.

KGHA is telling parents with siblings on other teams that if one player's team is shut down, regardless if that player has tested positive, the other siblings also remain off the ice for seven (7) days from when the team was shut down. This is only for siblings and parents/coaches. For impacted team players, the rule is still 14 days.

Example: Chrissy's Team Atom D team is shut down for a positive test result on her team.  Chrissy's sister Becky plays on Team Peewee 1 and their mom is the coach.  Chrissy's team will be shut down for two weeks and Becky and her mom the coach are required to stay home from hockey for seven (7) days.
We will be following the same guidelines in place for schools.

You must self-isolate if: 

  • You have tested positive for COVID-19, or are waiting for your COVID-19 test result
  • You have been in contact with a person who tested positive for COVID-19*
  • You are a household contact of a symptomatic person waiting for a COVID-19 test result**

You may have to self-isolate if you have:

  • Returned from travel outside Canada. All travellers entering Canada must follow federal quarantine requirements including isolation and testing. Refer to the Federal Quarantine Requirements to determine whether you are required to isolate.

*if you were fully vaccinated for COVID-19 at the time you came in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 you may not need to isolate, please see the high-risk contacts page to learn more as there are some situations where people will still need to isolate.

*If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection in the past 90 days, cleared from your initial infection and are asymptomatic, you may not need to isolate.

**if you were fully vaccinated for COVID-19 at the time you came in contact with someone who had COVID-19 symptoms, you do not need to isolate.

Note: You may consider yourself ‘fully vaccinated’ when it has been 14 days after receiving:

  • your second dose of an accepted two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or a combination of accepted vaccines (i.e. Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTEch, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD); or
  • your only dose of the single-dose COVID-19 vaccine series of Janssen (Johnson & Johnson); or
  • a complete COVID-19 vaccine series that is listed for emergency use by the World Health Organization

If you do not have any symptoms of COVID-19 and were fully vaccinated at the time of your high-risk exposure to someone with COVID-19, you do not need to self-isolate at home or in the community. However, there are some exceptions.

If you are required to isolate as a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, your household members must stay home except for essential reasons for the duration of your self-isolation period. Essential reasons include: attending work/school/childcare and essential errands such as groceries, attending medical appointments or picking up prescriptions.

Self-isolation requirements for residents of Ottawa may differ from those in other health units.

Note: You do NOT need to self-isolate after travelling within Canada.

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