KGHA Volunteer Policy
Kanata Girls Hockey Association is a volunteer run organization and without your help we could not exist. We collectively rely on our volunteers to enable the ways and means to have our girls enjoy the game of hockey. KGHA policy is that we will take every possible and reasonable measure to ensure that our volunteers are of the proper character, express the same ideals and goals as the Association, and are trained to interact with our players in a safe and responsible manner.
The KGHA wishes to acknowledge the time and effort of our volunteers and every one of them deserves our applause and backing. Within the Association's means, KGHA has established a support program for our volunteers to help offset the cost of volunteering and recognize theri contribution ot the organization. The attached document provides the details of the KGHA Volunteer Support Program.
Volunteer – A Definition
A volunteer is defined as a non-paid person who donates, enters or offers his or her time freely to assigned specific duties.
Agreement to Volunteer
By signing up with KGHA and becoming a member of the association, every parent agrees to be a volunteer. Each team is required to provide at least three names of parents that may be called upon for KGHA volunteer duties. This will ensure that the association can execute the programs to best advantage if other volunteers are not forthcoming.
Eligibility & Impact
While everyone is encouraged to become involved, and most of our volunteers are connected to the association through our players, we do not restrict or discriminate on whom might act as a volunteer within KGHA. Additionally, parents of our players should also be aware that your volunteer status is in no way connected to positions on particular teams or making our competitive program – this is based on your daughter’s skill as a hockey player alone.
Ways to Volunteer
Within our context, you can volunteer to help in many areas including, but not limited to:
1. A position on the Executive Board
2. Represent KGHA at higher Association boards
3. Association support staff to help organize and conduct activities at tournaments, association fundraising and functions, and community activities
4. Becoming a head or assistant coach, if qualified or willing to be trained
5. Filling a team staff position such as manager, trainer or equipment
6. Participating as a team volunteer:
a. Ombudsman to represent the team at the Association level.
b. Representative and liaison officers on the Tournament, Fundraising and Communications Committee’s.
c. Female supervisors (locker moms) in team dressing rooms whenever occupied by players.
d. Off-ice officials such as score and time keepers
Other volunteer requirements will be advertised through the KGHA website and teams as needs are identified.
Overview. KGHA has adopted a process to ensure we can manage our volunteers, obtain basic demographic information, and utilize the skills that our volunteers bring to the Association. Every volunteer is encouraged to complete the KGHA volunteer application form as the starting point of a mutually rewarding cooperation. This will help us maintain an accurate database of help over time, to leverage experiences and promote success with our community.
Our process follows up to five basic steps depending on the position the volunteer is seeking. The Table below highlights the mains parts of the screening process and how it applies to our volunteers:
KGHA Volunteer Screening Chart
Volunteer Application. If you are interested in being a volunteer in KGHA, click here to fill out our volunteer form and start the process. This is an application form particularly slanted to volunteering for team staff positions, as these are our major volunteer requirements. It does provide however the basic information from which to start the process for any other association related volunteer activity. Should you have questions on the form, feel free to email the
This application should be sent to the association Secretary for filing and consideration. Your file may also be submitted to your coach or league director if you are already on a team and wish to volunteer.
References. Where required, the executive of KGHA will contact references as a way of validating and expanding the information provided in the volunteer form to make informed decisions. This is particularly important when determining the suitability and/or competitiveness of various files vying for the same position such as competitive team head coaches. If not provided at the time of application, any volunteer must be prepared to provide references on request by the association secretary. The appropriate selection board shall contact references in confidence.
Interviews. KGHA will hold interviews for positions it deems as important for the development and well being of the association as a whole. Interviews will be done before a panel, usually consisting of members of the KGHA executive and last between 30 and 60 minutes. The purpose of the interview is to make a determination of compatibility of the individual with the expressed aims, goals and objectives of the Association as well as a personal look at the skills, experience and philosophy of the individual.
Training. Needless to say, our volunteers must have the proper training to optimize their chances for a successful experience and to ensure our players learn the game of hockey properly. Additionally, Hockey Canada facilitates a safe environment by providing a program designed to make volunteers aware of expected codes of conduct and rights.
Once a volunteer has been accepted into the association, KGHA will identify training requirements for the position in accordance with Hockey Canada guidelines. The training opportunities shall be offered as soon as possible. The minimum training certifications must be completed by 31 Dec of the year that the volunteer is accepted. While exception arrangements may be made, failure to obtain the required training can put the volunteer’s status in danger.
Police Record Checks. To take proper precautions with the care of your girl(s), KGHA follows the policy outlined by the OWHA that Police Record Checks (PRC) are mandatory for all volunteers and staff deemed to be in a position of interacting with our players, who oversee the application of association policy, or officially represents KGHA (or its teams) in any official capacity. The use of Police Record Checks will help identify any person who may harm children or vulnerable adults. Highlights of the process include:
• Police Record Checks will be required for all new volunteers.
• These PRCs should not be more than 4 months old when accepted by the Association.
• Once the individual acted as a volunteer or hired as a staff person, these Police Record Checks will be required every 3 years
• Volunteers must complete a PRC consent form within two months after assuming their respective role.
• Individuals failing to complete the form within the required time frame will suspended from their role.
• Results from the police record check will be sent to your home address. This form must be copied and submitted to the KGHA for our records.
- Email the following information to the Risk and Safety Coordinator - First and Last names
- The information provided will be used by Risk and Safety Coordinator to fill out the KGHA Volunteer letter to provide proof that you are involved with KGHA in a volunteer capacity in order to have the processing fee waived.
- The Risk Coordinator will e-mail a signed KGHA Volunteer letter (in PDF format).
- Go to Ottawa Police Record Checks and follow website instructions. If you live outside of the Ottawa area, the letter can be used at your local OPP dispatch. Results will be emailed or mailed directly to you. A copy will not be sent to the KGHA by the police.
- Upon receipt, approved results need to be uploaded to the KGHA Qualification Reporting.
Positive PRC Hit
Where the PRC indicates that the individual has a conviction for a criminal offence and/or has a pardon for a sexual offence, the individual who receives a positive hit will be required to provide a confidential, written disclosure of their criminal record to a designated professional committee through the Risk and Safety Coordinator. Such an individual must also submit his/her fingerprints and any other information required, to the RCMP in order to obtain a complete disclosure of their criminal record.
The Committee will determine whether the individual may continue as a KGHA volunteer pending a full report from the RCMP as well as on receipt of the RCMP report, taking into consideration the position held by the individual, the nature of the offence and the time frame of the conviction. Where appropriate, the Committee will utilize the services of the local police community to provide advice. The Committee will determine an appropriate course of action, including, but not limited to, the suspension and/or release of the individual from their KGHA responsibilities.
The individual will be informed of the results within twenty-four (24) hours of any decision having been made. Decisions that result in the release of individuals from their KGHA responsibilities will be forwarded to the ODWHA in the interest of preventing high risk individuals from involvement in another girls hockey association within the Ottawa area.
Refusal to provide written disclosure of a criminal record for which a pardon has not been granted, any record of a sexual offence (including a pardoned sexual offence) or to submit fingerprints to the RCMP for a complete criminal record check will cause the individual to be ineligible for a volunteer position within the KGHA. In addition, the ODWHA will be advised accordingly.
Police Record Checks, although very useful, may not recognize a concern or actions of a volunteer. It is the responsibility of any parent, player or associate of the KGHA to bring any concerns regarding a volunteer’s conduct to the attention of the executive.