Kanata Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software
Peewee House 6 - Team ID 411668
Current Practice Plans
5 Apr
1030 am
Carleton Ice House - B
Half-Ice with PW 1

One final practice as a tune-up before the playoffs.  A full-ice warm-up with pucks and shooting, some passing, shooting and puckhandling drills followed by a SAG and finishing with some fun.

See you at the rink.


15 Mar
1015 am

What a better way to shake off the March Break doldrums with some hockey ...

Basically, the practice is going to be:
Offensive Zone Triangle (please check out the link - https://kgha.goalline.ca/data/132/files/t411668/offensive_zone_triangle.pdf);
A passing and/or shooting drill (something we've done before);
A race(s) of some kind; and
A game to end practice (coach's choice).

We will do some Star Wars...

See you at the rink.

2 Mar
7 pm


A little game to get us going - Hannah 2 v 2, followed by:
some breakouts - some full-ice 2 v 0 ;
Two Stations - 1 v 1 and 2 v 1 with Goalie close to the net; and Bull in the Ring - puck (ring) protection keep-away;
SAG - 3 v 3 Circle Shooter - designated player can only shoot from one of the circles; and
SAG/LOG - Surprise (maybe a race).

In-betweens - Star Wars

See you at the rink.

22 February
6 am


With a little luck, this will be our last 6 am of the season!  We'll start off with a gentle passing warm-up to get the blood flowing followed by a quick drill to work crossovers, passing and 1 v 0 shooting.

As promised, the rest of the practice will be games - the first one is a 3 v 2 game to work the defence on clearing the puck and covering the front of the net, and the forwards to get the puck to the net.  The next game will be Backcheck Shootout.

The last game will be players' choice (vote).

We'll work some stationary shooting in as in-betweens.  I'm sure it will be the right combination of intensity and fun to keep the Titans moving after that excellent game last Sunday.

See you at the rink
Coach Richard


15 February
7 am
Shared with PW4

The theme of this practice is communication.  Communication is very important to effective passing and puck support - players need to communicate with each other to know when a teammate is open or not, and where and when to pass.  Communication is also essential for filling E-Tanks - teammates need to support each other and let them know when they're doing well, and give them a boost if they're feeling low.

During this practice we'll work on communication during play, especially for passing and we'll emphasize communication for filling E-Tanks.

The practice plan can be found here:  https://kgha.goalline.ca/data/132/files/t411668/practice_plan_02_15_14.pdf

We'll be reviewing the following drills from last week:
2F 1D Breakout;
Pairs Passing Transition to 1 v1.

We'll also do a passing drill/game and introduce a couple of new games:
Sweep the Porch;
End-zone 3 v2

and we'll finish with some fun SAGs, maybe even a race!

I'm looking forward to it.

See you at the rink.


9 February
6 pm
Shared with PW1

The practice is designed to give a lot of puck time to players while doing mainly individual and small group tactical drills and providing our goalie a chance for many shots, in game-like situations - 1 v 1; break-aways; and 3 v2 in the end-zone.  Time permitting, we'll finish with a little fun game of some kind.
Two links enclosed - The Vortex - a potential warm-up drill; and the practice plan, which I've figured out how to get two pages in one .pdf document.

See you at the rink.

18 January 2014
4:30 pm
Carleton Ice House B
Shared with PW3

Today is Hockey Day in Canada!  This practice is about puckhandling, passing and competitive fun.  We need to kick up the intensity a notch, Titans.  Practice is a perfect place to hone our skills and sharpen our competitive edge.

After a combined warm-up with PW3 we're going play Passing for Points, do some station work on angling and driving the net and finish with a SAG.  If there's any time left, I'm sure we can find a good relay race to do.  In-betweens will be Partner Stick Checks.

Only one sheet today - https://kgha.goalline.ca/data/132/files/t411668/practice_plan_01_18_14.jpeg

See you at the rink.


11 January 2014
930 am
Shared with PW1

The focus of this practice will be passing (offensive and defensive) and shooting.  We'll start with a combined warm-up and drill with PW1 followed by a new game - Passing for Points.  Then, we'll do some station work - Cloverleaf - for agility, passing and shooting; 1 F 1 D Breakout - for defensive passing, similar to last week; and some shooting practice - flip shot.

We'll end with a low organization game (LOG) such as a race.

Don't forget the three questions for homework:
1.  How would the team benefit from having captains?
2.  What duties should captains/alternate captains have?
3.  What qualities and skills should captains/alternates have?
The plans are here:




4 January 2014
1130 am
Carleton Ice House B
Half-Ice (Novice 4)

This is a half-ice practice only.  This will be a shakeout practice to get us back into hockey after the holiday break.  We will review drills that we have done before, with some ample time for fun games at the end.

Warm-Up - Puck Control (various puckhandling and skating maneuvers to get the hands and feet warmed up).  No shooting;
Coyote and Roadrunner (passing and keep-away) and Goalie Training;
Stations - D-Man Pass Breakout and Buddy Pass 2 v.0; and
Fun Time (game to be determined).

Check out the plans at:



21 December 2013
6 am
Bell Sensplex
Shared with PW 4

This will be a shared practice.  The theme is skills review - shooting, passing, and 1 v. 1 with ample time for some fun games at the end.
The first drill is just a full-ice warm-up to get going.  The emphasis is 'Look-Move-Look-Pass.'  Players skating through the middle need to keep their heads up for traffic (players and pucks)
Next, we'll do some stations to review skills - passing, one-timer shots and 1 v. 1 puck battles. 
Finally, we'll do some small area games (cross-ice mini games) or other games/races depending on the number of players at practice.

This will get us good and hungry to go for a team breakfast afterward.

Check out the practice plan at:  https://kgha.goalline.ca/data/132/files/t411668/practice_plan_12_21_13.jpeg

See you at the rink.

Coach Richard


14 December 2013
12:30 pm

The theme of this practice is tactics - offensive and defensive.  First we will warm up by working on our crossovers - forward, backward and open and reverse pivots (moving from forward to backward skating and vice versa).  After that, it's tactics in stations - about five minutes each:  Breaking out of the zone with one defence and one forward; attacking 2 v. 0; improving our angling and a tight area 2 v. 1 game to work on passing in tight areas and defensive tactics.  
We'll finish up with 3v.3 Circle Shoot - The Titans did a really good job with this last week and it showed in the game.  Time permitting, a relay race.
Make sure that you do an off-ice warm-up ( http://kgha.goalline.ca/page.php?page_id=58820&team_id=411668&league_id=0)  prior to coming to the rink.



7 December 2013
12:30 pm
Carleton Ice House
Shared with PW4 (Ninjas)

This practice will continue on the angling and checking skills that we have been working on the last couple of practices, as well as work on passing in small areas.  We'll start with a drill that we've done before - Wild Walkover - with PW4.  After that, we'll work in 5-minute blocks doing stations - the first two stations are gap control and stick checks.  The final two stations will practice puck retrieval with a shot on goal and passing and puck protection.  We'll finish with a 3 on 3 small area game and some fun at the end.





1 December 2013
4 pm 
Bell Sensplex - Scotiabank
Full Ice

This practice will include some skills development and refinement (turning, passing, shooting, puckhandling) as well as continuing the introduction  on angling that was started two practices ago.  2 v1 tactics will be reviewed and there will be time for some games at the end.

Please check out the plans at the links below:



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