Kanata Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software
Peewee House 6 - Team ID 411668

Here is the link to Gary Roberts' dynamic warm-up.  It takes only five minutes to do at home before you come to the rink and will get you ready for a practice or game to play your best.


If you don't need to see the video, but just need a refresher on the exercises, here they are...

Just like pros, young players need to get their body moving before they step on the ice. This Dynamic Warm-up from Gary Roberts is short and can be done with very little space, like a dressing room or arena hallway.

Follow these movements and you’ll activate all the body parts required to perform on the ice which will not only lead to a better performance but will also help prevent injuries.

In Place Dynamic Warm-Up

• Ankle Hops (20 seconds)
• A-March (20 seconds)
• A-Skip (20 seconds)
• Butt Kicks (20 seconds)
• Arm Swings (20 seconds)
• Arm Swings (20 seconds)
• Arm Swings(20 seconds)
• Reverse Lunch (8 reps each side)
• Lateral Squat (8 reps each side)
• Overhead Squat (8 reps)
• Hip Circles (8 reps each way on each side)
• Hip Swings - Side (8 reps each side)
• Hip Swings – Front (8 reps each side)
• Inch Worm to Push Up (8 reps)
• High Knee (20 seconds)


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