Kanata Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

KGHA AGM - May 29, 2018


The Kanata Girls Hockey Association's Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 29, 2018 from 7:00-9:00 pm, at the Johnny Leroux Arena, Upstairs Hall.

Please plan to attend, as it is your chance to help shape the future of the KGHA. 

The agenda for the AGM will follow closer to the meeting. The room will be open 15 minutes in advance if you have questions or would like to discuss issues with Executive members prior to the meeting.

Why Attend?
It is a common misconception that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is only for the Executives. In fact it is the opposite. It is where the Executive reports on the Association's status to the Membership, and where the Membership can voice their views to the Executive. Every member is entitled to know how the Association is run, ask questions, and voice their views. While the Association encourages member participation at any time during the year, the AGM is the official forum where items can be publicly discussed by the membership and the Executive. Many important issues are discussed at the AGM including the overall program direction for the Association, financials, operations, and initiatives. Official Association business, such as the election of Directors, and amendments to the By-laws also take place. This process is exactly the same as being a shareholder in a company. The AGM is where you get your say on how the Association is run.

Who Can Attend?
First and foremost, the AGM is open to every member over the age of eighteen (18) or their parents if under eighteen, of the Association. Any registered member (or parent representing those under 18) is entitled, and encouraged, to participate. Every member is entitled to a vote at the AGM for any motions that are voted on at the meeting. Those unable to attend the meeting may still register a vote by assigning their vote to another, known as a Proxy (see What is a Proxy? below).

Do I have to volunteer for a position if I attend?
While the strength of the organization is in the volunteers, there is no obligation to take volunteer responsibilities by attending the AGM. It is simply an opportunity to learn about the Association and have your say on how things are run. We do hope, however, that people are willing to help keep the Association running strong by helping out.
What is a Proxy and what if I cannot attend?
A proxy is a means to have another member vote on your behalf by assigning your right to vote to another who will be in attendance. Your proxy vote may be assigned to any other member of the Association by filling in and signing the Proxy Form and sending it to the Association by mail or with the person who the Proxy is being assigned to. Proxy will be called for at the beginning of the AGM.

Download Proxy Form  

If you cannot attend but have questions or other items for discussions, you can send them by email to any one current Executive Committee member to bring up on your behalf at the AGM.

Please be advised that any proposed changes by the Membership to the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations, or Policies are to be received by the Executive no later than May 22 .

Executive Positions Up for Election.

There are many different ways you can volunteer in the KGHA, and serving on the KGHA executive is one great way of ensuring our players have the best season, every season.  New members are never alone - mentors are available to help you in learning the activities involved in every position available for election this year.

*Candidate selection done via Interview.
  **  The Registrar position is filled by 2 People.  1 of the 2 Positions is available.

*Please note that as of 5/16/2018, the Director of Risk & Safety position is now vacant. The KGHA is now seeking a qualified replacement and interested parties are asked to come forward at the AGM.

Hope to see you there!

Your KGHA Executive

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