Kanata Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Important Info For BAA Tryout #1 - Groupings


Welcome to the start of tryouts. I am looking forward to getting the process started and seeing you all on the ice.

Please see below the group breakdown for the 1st session for the Lady Sens BAA tryouts-

Groups are sorted as:
  • 6:15-7:15pm Group 1 - Last names A-H
  • 7:15-8:15pm Group 2 - last names I-Z (Goalies as well)

There are a few players that will have to be moved for balancing the size of the groups based on number of defence and forwards. Those skaters changing groups will be notified in the morning via  email. So please check you emails throughout the morning.

Thanks and see you at the rink.

John Steenbakkers
Head Coach - BAA Lady Sens

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